A sixth-generation Californian, I’ve lived in Orange County for 35 years.
Professor and Author
My research and writing primarily regard how culture influences negotiation style and international marketing. My research has taken me to dozens of foreign countries including: Japan, China, Hong Kong, Russia, the Czech Republic, Germany, France, the UK, Norway, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, and Cuba. Articles about my work have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, the Los Angeles Times, and Smithsonian Magazine. I have written articles for the Orange County Register, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, La Opinion, and a variety of academic and management journals. With co-authors I have published eight books, International Marketing, Spiced: The Global Marketing of Psychoactive Substances, Inventive Negotiation, All in the Family: Multigenerational Living, Global Negotiation, China Now and Doing Business with the New Japan. For more information of each of these books, click on the book image. The 8th book is for children and is entitled Windows on the World.
Military Service and Education
During these same years, I was educated in California public schools with a BA in Chemistry from San Jose State University (1970), an MBA from San Diego State University (1975), and a PhD from UC Berkeley (1980). After completing my MBA I worked for Solar Turbines International, now a division of Caterpillar Tractors in San Diego.

That’s me a LONG time ago, on board a navy vessel in the Phillipines.
Family Life
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